Saint Patrick Catholic Church

The Mass

Mass is celebrated by an ordained priest, just as it would be in any other Catholic Church. However, there are three minor differences which separate this parish from neighboring Catholic parishes.

  • Penitential Rite:  When we pause briefly to recall our sins and failings, we recite the same prayer, but instead of offering a simple concluding prayer, the priest offers General Absolution to the entire congregation. This absolution is given to all who are disposed to receive forgiveness of sin, restoration of our relationship with God, reconciliation with our neighbor, and preparation to receive Christ in Holy Communion.
  • Eucharistic Prayer:  During the Eucharistic Prayer, when the elements of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ through the invocation of the Holy Spirit, different commemorations are made.
  • Holy Communion:  We welcome all of the faithful present—those who have been baptized and have faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist— to receive Holy Communion regardless of denomination or marital status.  We welcome all and this has become a great comfort to many who have been turned away from Communion in neighboring parishes.

Even a casual visitor will notice a number of other welcoming elements:

  • A caring parish priest and deacon greet each arriving parishioner and visitor to church.
  • The Mass is offered with the dignity of traditional music selections.
  • We do not preach on the topic of finances.  Instead, we try to offer helpful, hopeful and uplifting sermons, based upon the scriptures, with the idea of providing the basis for improving our relationship with God and each other.