Saint Patrick Catholic Church has introduced online practical instruction in conjunction with Catholic Online School. We have organized “units” which can be completed over a school year of approximately thirty meetings, which allows for vacations and holidays. We also offer “rolling enrollment” any time during the year. There is no such thing as a bad time to begin religious instruction.
In addition, we cannot over-stress enough the importance of weekly worship which is the basis of our common faith and traditions. Together, through worship and study, we hope to further your child’s education and at a time which is convenient to you.
What makes our program unique is that each “unit” is hosted right here on this site. The “unit” may be visited again and again and is available for individual instruction 24 hrs a day truly allowing there to be no conflicts with other activities and the commitment to the religious education process.
Ideally, religious education runs from October until May. Again, those times will vary depending upon school vacations and other considerations. We also allow for “rolling” enrollment any time of the year.
Each unit consists of written factual instruction with video reinforcement. In addition, end of unit “quiz’s” serve to demonstrate proficiency and understanding of the material being covered. This process, combined with Mass attendance supports a strong understanding of the faith at any grade level.
In order to avail yourself and your family of this program, it is required that you be an active member of the parish.
Want to enroll your children? Why wait… time like the present!
Bible study is held Wednesdays at from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
All are welcome to join our Adult Bible Study, where we search the truth of the Holy Scriptures and how it relates to our daily lives and our heavenly existence. The setting lends itself to plenty of discussion and lots of questions, all with the intention of deepening our understanding of the Scriptures and strengthening our relationship with God and each other.
For more information, click here!
Adults interested in the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact the pastor to determine the most appropriate course of action.