When we say “All are welcome,” we truly mean it.
Our membership is very diverse, both in age, ability, financial status, orientation and ethnicity. Our parish family includes singles, married couples, and families with children. The people you meet in at Church are just like the people you experience in the world around you—people from all walks of life and varying family constellations. Children of all ages are most welcome to join us for Mass with their parents, sitting with the entire congregation, not in an “isolation chamber.”
Parish camaraderie is important to our community. In addition to our weekly coffee hour and fellowship after Sunday morning Masses, we come together for several social functions throughout the year. These activities include our traditional St. Patrick’s Day Feast, a Summer Picnic, “Meatballs Galore” (an Italian Dinner with a meatball competition), and Christmas Party with a visit from Santa.
We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ, and we sincerely live our motto:
Love God ♦ Love Neighbor ♦ Make Disciples