The material presented here for study is designed for a post Confirmation adolescent who desires further information about Christianity and the church. It is also appropriate for those entering the faith; that is, adults desiring to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and those who have fallen away from the church for a time and desire to further their knowledge.
It cannot be emphasized enough that a person “learns about being a Catholic” by joining in the life experience of the parish and by worshiping weekly. Over 52 weeks you would have experienced the entire “life cycle” of the church and have a better understanding of what it means to be Catholic and a follower of Christ.
The first two videos present an outstanding explanation of the rise of Christianity from a Jewish sect through the year 2,000 and today the largest and most charitable faith on earth.
Registration to view this series is not required. If you are viewing the material towards receiving the Sacrament of Baptism and/or Confirmation as an adult, you should make the pastor aware of your interest.
Christianity, the first Thousand years
Christianity the second Thousand years
What does it mean to be Catholic
Understanding the Liturgical Calendar
Catholic teachings on the Bible