St. Patrick Church

Service and Volunteering


Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. — Matthew 20:28

Putting our faith into action is at the very heart of our Christian calling. Volunteering is a great way to get plugged into St. Patrick Catholic Church, feel like part of a community, and serve Jesus at the same time.

God has uniquely equipped every person with specific gifts and talents. Using your God-given skills as a volunteer is a fantastic way to aid the Church while simultaneously serving as a witness of the Gospel message. Not only is there a place for you in this church, there is a great need for your time and skills for doing God’s work in the world.

Here are just a few of the ways we need you to serve:

  • Holidays or Special Events: We are a very celebratory parish, so there’s always an opportunity to help out at an event or liturgical holiday.
  • Handyman or woman: We often have small projects that need to be done and things in need of repair. Are you skilled with a hammer , enjoy yard work, or like to fix things? We’ve got a job for you.
  • Volunteer within community: In the past we’ve done outreach projects with Amos house, Big Brother & Big Sisters, CCAP, and partnered with other local churches
  • Music Ministry/Choir: Sing a joyful song unto the Lord! We are always looking for parishioners who play a musical instrument or enjoy singing to help us worship.
  • Usher: The person who volunteers for this service simply passes the basket during Mass and brings it up during the Offertory.
  • Acolyte: This is really a fancy word for an altar server. Acolytes set up and assist the clergy on the altar during Mass.
  • Lector: If you love scripture and have a clear speaking voice, we invite you to read the Liturgy of the Word during Mass.
  • Eucharist Minister: Most of the time, the deacon or acolyte is present to serve the cup while the priest administers the Body of Christ. However, sometimes, they are not available and we need another server.
  • Sunday Fellowship: Coffee Hours follow both Sunday Masses. We invite you to please join us! If you’d like to assist setting up, by making coffee, bringing a food item for everyone to enjoy and/or cleaning up, we’d appreciate that as well.
  • Prayer Partners: Everyone (even children) can participate in this important ministry of the Church. Please pray for our parish, the clergy, members, those on our prayer list, and other special intentions.
  • Altar linens: The linens used during Mass need to be washed and ironed each week. Is this a service you can do?
  • Office volunteers: Once a month special mailings go out to the parishioners. Would you be interested in stuffing some envelopes?
  • Serve on Parish Council: This is the governance of the parish. Council Members advise the clergy and make decisions on behalf of the people in the parish. Topics include building maintenance, finance, membership, community outreach, charitable opportunities, communications, and special events.
  • Attend Mass: This may not seem like a volunteer opportunity, but it will certainly deepen your faith. There is also something spiritually powerful about gathering together with other believers to worship. (Think Eternity!)