Welcome to Saint Patrick Catholic Church

Love God  ♦  Love Neighbor  ♦  Make Disciples

Learn about us

Saint Patrick Catholic Church provides a compassionate answer to the need for a Catholic alternative.

About our sacraments

We welcome all baptized Christians to join us in the reception of the sacraments of Eucharist and Penance.

About the church

The mission of this parish is to preach the good news of a loving, accepting God, bring about a positive change.

Join the community

You will be warmly greeted, accepted without question and others will know your name at this church.

As you approach our church, from the outside, you will see a beautifully maintained Victorian structure. This building has always been used as a house of worship and is now about 105 years old.

Our church features an adjacent parking lot for about 30 vehicles and there is plenty of on-street parking, in this quiet and picturesque Meshanticut Lake area, at the extreme end of Cranston Street.

The parish building is comprised of a church nave on the first floor with seating to accommodate about 100 for Mass and there is a a parish hall in the basement.

Please stop by for private prayer or visit us for weekend Mass.

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, March 16th 2pm at the Cranston Country Club We celebrate 25 years as a parish and hope that you can join us for this memorable event. CLICK HERE to Order Tickets CLICK HERE for Details!...

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