Saint Patrick Catholic Church


We hope that this will help clarify some of your questions. If however, it has created new questions, we would value an exchange of ideas with you. Please feel free to contact the pastor who would be more than happy to sit down and spend time with you.

What is the parish’s relationship with the Pope and the Diocese of Providence?

We respect and pray for the Pope, whose ministry is one of preserving truth and unity; we see him as the first Bishop among equal bishops. We are all Catholics and treasure our Catholic identity. We share a common historical background and, in effect, are “first cousins” with our Roman Catholic friends. Saint Patrick enjoys a good relationship with many clergy and local parishes.

How do you view the Sacraments such as Baptism?

Like the any other Catholic parish, we see Baptism as the sacrament of initiation which makes all of the other sacraments available to us. We welcome all baptized Christians to join us in the reception of the sacraments of Eucharist and Penance. Additionally we offer Holy Matrimony and Anointing of the sick.

What if I am divorced?

While we regret the tragedy of divorce, we do not see the exclusion of remarried Catholics from the Sacraments as consistent with the spirit of Christ’s ministry. In our church, divorced Catholics can celebrate marriage before a priest and live out their marriage in full communion with the Church. When you attend Mass at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, you are welcomed to receive the Holy Eucharist; your children are welcomed to the Sacraments of Initiation; and at the completion of earthly life, the dignity of a Catholic Burial.

How do you view Mary?

We acknowledge the Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Mary. However, we do not hold these as core beliefs which must be absolutely accepted by all.

How are your clergy ordained?

Bishops, priests and deacons are ordained by bishops who are authentically ordained in historical succession. This means our celebration of the seven sacraments is valid.  Therefore, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at Saint Patrick Catholic Church is identical in validity and effect to a Mass offered at any other Catholic Church.

Can your clergy marry?

We recognize clerical celibacy as a beautiful gift which enhances the ministry of those who freely choose it. However, our bishops, priests and deacons may choose to marry.